Khelgaon turned messy in rain, Udaipur still needs infrastructure for huge gatherings

A lot of preparations were done for PM Modi’s visit to Udaipur, every care was taken at the addressing venue ‘Khelgaon’ by erecting waterproof domes,  multiple LED’s at every spot possible, speakers at various ranges, a lot of money spent to accommodate a gathering in Lakhs but this proved insufficient as there was lot of mud and trench in the open area of the ground.The domes were occupied by the limited number of people with passes and early arrivers, most people who reached Udaipur from distant places, as well as local public who came just to have a glimpse of PM and listen to his speech, faced a lot of inconveniences as the rains had turned the venue messy, there were mud and puddle all over the open area. It was difficult to even walk on the ground, the shoes and sleepers of the public were totally covered in mud, many people who tried to take an elevated position climbed on the pile of mud formed from the digging but many sank in the pile as it became loose due to rain water.Due to so much of inconvenience people in huge number started departing just at the start of PM’s speech.

Have a look!

Udaipur stadium

People in huge number departing just at the start of PM’s speech

Khelgaon Udaipur

Many people traveling from distant villages and towns didn’t even get a glimpse of PM (off screen) so in spite of spending so much money, the whole purpose wasn’t served just because the venue isn’t in the perfect state.It’s been so long still the making of Khelgaon into the stadium didn’t happen, a tourist smart city at least needs an appropriate infrastructure to organize events with huge gatherings, we still aren’t prepared. Share the thought.

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